Interim Management, crisis management, krizový management

Vítkovice Power Engineering a.s. (2016-2018) 1 800 employees; turnover 181mil USD/year
Engineering and manufacturing company producing technological parts for thermal and nuclear power plants. It is the strongest producer in Central Europe in this scope of business. Unfortunately, due to the large investment interest in the Turkish project ADULARIA, which during the second phase had to face a war coup not only stopped the implementation of the project, but also froze all interested parties, suppliers, creditors, as well as Vitkovice collateral in the form of EGAP and CEB. The company also due to further temporary weaknesses within the VITKOVICE a.s. went into administration. The subject of the levy was EUR 2,960 million.
Our task was:
- attempt to negotiate appropriate conditions with the Government of Turkey for the successful completion of the project, or at least for the settlement of completed work
- to persuade the court to authorize the company to restructure
- to terminate all contracts (30 days) that burdened the company which were detrimental to the survival and successful implementation of the upcoming restructuring
- sufficient fulfillment of the production program and optimization of production and operating costs
- find a suitable partner to take over the company
The company was successfully sold to a domestic investor and the production program continues in the dimensions of the technology portfolio and customs.

LIFTCOMP a.s. (2014 - 2016) 180 employees; turnover 12,5mil USD/year
A major player in the manufacture, installation and servicing of freight and passenger lifts. Due to a managerial mistake, the company had over-invested to the extent that it was impossible to satisfy claims of creditors. This was due to investing in a new production hall, that they were unable to fill with a suitable production program, and also due to the purchase of technologies that were unable to capitalize on themselves. These issues brought a domino effect, that threw the company into administration.
After successfully seeking permission from the court to revitalize the company, the action steps were divided into two concurrent recovery routes. One, which focused on the diversification of trade / production and subsequently lean production, optimization and streamlining of production processes (implementation of automated recording of daily outputs via barcode) and setting and fulfillment of the desired KPI values.
The second targeted, the selling of the production hall and obtaining the necessary funds to satisfy creditors and restore production processes.
After the successful completion of these two stages, at the request of the owner, we successfully merged the company with a major domestic investor.
The company was fully relieved before the merger, and the latest income statement showed strong positive EBIT-DA but also ROE & ROI.

Hunter s.r.o. (2010 - 2012) 80 employees; turnover 48mil USD/year
Polygraphic segment, production of cutting forms.
A family business since 1993. Due to different management visions and the gradual loss of its ability to face a strong competition in the market. Finally, the company went into administration.
The entry of our team was aimed at gaining the right to restructure the company from the government, settle the creditors and fill the production capacity to ensure the proper operation and financing of the company. Subsequently, it was necessary to optimize production processes by for instance introducing automatic production process registration via barcode. We introduced a strategy plan, break event, new KPI goals, action plan, business plan, financial plan, and also plan of management coaching to personally accept new visions and how to fulfill them.
The owner's last step was to find a suitable partner to ensure the long-term stability and integrity of the company on the market. We made a successful acquisition in favor of KAŇAK s.r.o.
Subsidiary HUNTER s.r.o. is still a successful supplier of cutting forms and is an important player in this field in the Czech Republic.

ArcelorMittal a.s. - Válcovny plechu Frýdek Místek (2008-2010) 2800 employees; turnover 64mil USD/year
Co-ordination of client's investments with the aim of increasing the production capacity of transformer sheets by cold rolling from the existing 30KT to 90KT. Total planned investment 1.2 BIL CZK.
Continuous project implementation time 1.5 years. The implementation was divided into 3 stages:
Stage 1 - demolition of the old part of the establishment
2nd stage - construction of a new production part
3. Installation of technological units & gradual start up
Production was successfully completed and is still running with significant profit.

EPCOS MATSUSHITU (2005-2007) 1800 employees; turnover 132mil USD/year
Company with its PTC product (positive tentative conductor) belonging to group SIËMENS a.s.
In 2005, Austria needed to reduce the high cost of value added. It was necessary to move production technology from Austrian Deutschlanberg to the subsidiary in Šumperk in The Czech Republic as soon as possible in order to reduce labor and operational costs. In the course of 10 months, the technological units, including the appropriate approval procedures, were moved, as well as the necessary trained human resources to start production and establish the so-called buffer stock for the central warehouse in Deutschlanberg. It was imperative that leadtime, quality and price were consistent with the expectations of key customers such as BMW, Mercedez-Benz and Porsche. The company successfully continues production and boasts HI-TECH technologies with the necessary ISO TS, IATF and CSR certification.

Tranza a.s. (2004 - 2008) 60 employees; turnover 21,8mil USD
Manufacturer of mobile crushers and steel structures.
Company was in administration, needed restructuring, diversification production / trade, optimization of production processes, reduction of production and operational costs, implementation of production process records and ensuring the necessary production capacities. Next step was optimization of human resources, setting up right KPI goals, action plans, business plan and financial plan.
Furhtermore public and brand-building relationships both domestically and abroad as well as target management training on stage of win win.
After successfull ascomplishment of previous steps the company was successfully sold.

Unex a.s. (1998 - 2004) 4800 employees; turnover 142mil USD
Production of wheel excavators for surface coal mining
Company debt was reliefed, implementation of optimization processes, cost reduction, increased production efficiency, provision and start-up of new production stream products; implementation of system warehouse management (KANBAN); portfolio diversification & production.
Indications of ROI & ROE were improved. Successful sale of the company accomplished.